Teaser Tuesday – Wedding Date for Hire by Jennifer Shirk

Are you ready for a sweet read that will make you laugh and sigh a happy sigh? Take a look inside Wedding Date for Hire by Jennifer Shirk.


On sale 10/12/15

Wedding Date for Hire by Jennifer Shirk

“He cocked his head and sent her a dimpled smile. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
Where am I going? “I don’t know. Probably the library.”
“On a Friday night?” He made a show of horror. “What the heck are you going to do there?”
“Oh, what most people do at their local library—three way orgy, summon up the dead, if there’s time, jam up the copy machine with Canadian quarters. Same old same old.”

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About the book:

Maddie McCarthy is single, between jobs, and (oh, the shame) lives with her mother. To make matters worse, she’s the maid of honor for her sister’s wedding, and desperately needs a date. Then she sees her salvation—Match Made Easy, a service for women in Maddie’s exact position. If she can’t find a boyfriend, she’ll do the next best thing…

Hire one.

Trent Montgomery isn’t actually part of Match Made Easy. He’s just doing a favor for his cousin, but one look at the blonde who hired him, and he’s totally hooked. Now Maddie thinks that the attraction sizzling between them is just “part of the package.” And Trent is running out of time to prove to her that her date-for-hire might just be her happily-ever-after…

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