Carmen Falcone: Creating a Modern Fairytale Romance


Alpha billionaires. Enigmatic playboys. Smokin’ hot bosses… you shouldn’t be attracted to. Just a few of the reasons readers absolutely love the Indulgence line. They’re the ultimate fantasy heroes. We love them so much we’re having a HUGE Indulgence imprint flash sale!

Indulge yourself with modern fairytale romances for only 99¢ each.

Take home a sensual prince, a rugged rancher, or perhaps, a thrill-seeking tycoon… at this price you can afford to have all of your fantasies fulfilled.


Romance Fairytales: A Thing of the Past?

KtBT_2015_500If you have any doubts after reading the title, let me assure you that modern fairytales are alive and well. Readers turn to escapism reading more than ever before, and as result, the romance industry is thriving. To authors like me, writing books with a Happy Ever After isn’t too shabby, either.

Of course, nowadays things have evolved. For instance, heroines are spunkier, and rightfully so. Take Addie, from KIDNAPPING THE BRAZILIAN TYCOON. She’s a feisty activist who kidnaps a hunky tycoon to keep him from selling a piece of property that could kick dozens of Brazilian Indians from their homes.

Is she scared she will end up in jail? Yes. Is she confused by the sizzling attraction to the man who can ruin the lives of people she loves? Yes. But, does that stop her from trying? Nope.

What about the dudes? Ladies and gentlemen, the modern heroes are amazing. I love writing fantasy heroes because they are just so delicious to muse over. I mean, take Bruno Duarte, from the same book. A dangerously handsome, self-made billionaire, who needs a marriage of convenience as he fulfills a long overdue promise to his dying father. Bruno has a burning secret from his past that he has hid for his whole life. Until, that is, he meets the woman who threatens to take it all away.

Can I add that Bruno is yummy and, hhhmmm, a generous lover?

Hehe. Did your ovaries explode yet? No? Just read the book. Trust me on this ☺

So! What do you look for when reading a modern fairytale (AKA sexy Indulgence romance!)? Leave a comment below and enter to win a fabulous swag pack.

Update: Sorry everyone! We’re experiencing technical difficulties with the blog’s comment section. To enter to win a fabulous swag pack from Carmen, please tweet the link to this post using the ‘Share this’ button below with the hashtag #IndulgeYourself and we’ll choose a winner on Monday morning. Thanks for your patience. ☺

 Thanks for stopping by!


Find KIDNAPPING THE BRAZILIAN TYCOON and other Indulgence titles on sale for only 99¢ August 31st – September 6th at your favorite ebook retailer.


Photography created by www.CassStudios.comCarmen Falcone learned at an early age that fantasizing about fictional characters beat doing math homework any day. Brazilian by birth and traveler by nature, she moved to Central Texas after college and met her broody Swiss husband, living proof that opposites attract. She found in writing her deepest passion and the best excuse to avoid the healthy lifestyle everyone keeps talking about. When she is not lost in the world of romance, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, being walked by her three crazy pugs, reading, catching up with friends, and chatting with random people in the checkout line.

About Author

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