Men of the Zodiac: Loving Your Leo from Roxanne Snopek

Leo July 23 to August 22

The elements this month are heavily weighted in Air and Fire – both very harmonious to Leos. Air sharpens the intellect and enhances communication while Fire energizes, bringing optimism and creativity. Always dramatic, you are even more so right now. Single Leos should try Internet dating this month. Leos in relationships will find things exceptionally good in the bedroom right now. Think about starting a baby.

Loving Your Leo

Leo is the sign that governs pleasure and creativity. Your Leo man is a treat: exuberant, loyal, witty, and vivacious. You can’t help but be drawn to him. But he can also be self-centered, always looking out for what’s best – for him. That big sunny personality can easily become domineering, bombastic and challenging. Leos often unknowingly provoke others to violence or slander.

Dramatic, sensual Leos fall in love easily. The problem is keeping them there. This doesn’t mean your Leo man is casual about love; instead, has a hard time with the reality of relationships, always looking for the high drama, the grand passion. So give it to him! Make him laugh, stroke his ego, let him know how awesome you think he is. More than any sign, Leos respond to sincere admiration. You can’t compliment a Leo man too much and fortunately, it’s easy because there’s so much to admire.

But compliments are more than ego-stroking for him. Deep down underneath all that surface majesty and flair is a sensitive, vulnerable man who needs that reassurance and praise. Lots of it. So as with anything, pour it on.

When cooking dinner for your Leo man, get the best cut of steak, an excellent bottle of wine and make dessert really special – something flaming, preferably. He wants nothing but the best because he deserves it! Remind him with your actions that when it comes to love, he’s got the best – in you!

Pet Peeve for Leo men: women who wear too much make-up

Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Sun

Power Colors: Gold and orange, the magnetic colors of the Sun

Power Gem: Ruby, which protects against physical injury and ensures faithfulness.

Lucky Day: Sunday

Lucky Numbers: 8 and 9

~Roxanne Snopek


Come Meet This Fiery Leo

Sign: Leo

He takes control…and gives all kinds of pleasure

In the space of about a second, successful restaurateur Dane Bergman has gone from millionaire playboy to daddy. Now he’s the sole guardian of a very adorable and willful four-year-old child, and he’s counting on his executive assistant, Pamela Atwater, to save his ass. Even if it means bringing her along on a month-long ocean-side retreat…

Pamela Atwater prides herself on being the perfect assistant. Whatever Dane wants or needs, she’s there—pretending to ignore Dane’s golden charm and drop-dead gorgeousness. On vacation, however, Pamela sees a side of Dane she never imagined. And it’s a side that tempts her to cross the line between professional and personal. But is one month enough time to prove to Dane that his perfect assistant might just be his perfect match?

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