Jodi Linton: Worst Pick-Up Lines

Hey there, y’all!

Every Man Thinks He’s A Romeo

Let’s start this meet and greet off with a few get-to-know-ya one liners. My name is Jodi Linton. I live in Texas. I’m so not married to a cowboy, and yeah…I drive a Mazda. That’s suburbia calling there, folks.

Now on to the fun stuff. Well, since my most recent release is title Pretty Shameless, aka PRETTY FREAKING BRAZEN, I concluded there wasn’t a better way to kick start this release than with the most horrible Pick-Up Line to ever whistle in my ears.

Here goes nothing…

I’m a writer, but I’m also a mother for the better part of my day. And clearly I sport the Yoga pants at every opportunity. That’s pretty much how my day started: mommy duty and Yoga pant carpooling. Wanna get to the good stuff, huh? I knew it. Okay, let’s move on. After a hassle free *cough* school drop-off with my daughter, I strutted my Yoga I’m-too-lazy-to-put-on-real-pants ass over to the grocery store. All I needed was milk, but somehow I found myself on the cleaning supply aisle.

And that’s when I heard…

“Do you wash your pants in Windex? Because I can really see myself in them.”

Total bomb. First thought: “He must’ve seen my Yoga pants and clued in to the fact that I’m a mom”. And, well, that was before I laid eyes on him. Shortly there after, I decided the college boy had to have a dirty uncle in the family, either that, or he hadn’t received the memo about picking up dates in the Student Center.



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