Author Linda Bond has worked as a television news reporter and anchor in Fort Myers, Orlando and Tampa Florida. She writes every day, under deadline, but has always loved losing herself in a good romance. Her love for writing fiction actually started in high school, but a thriving, busy professional life, along with five kids kept her busy for many years.
Entangled Publishing released her debut romantic adventure, Alive at 5, in July 2014.
She has also won 12 Emmy awards, a Florida Bar award and Edward R. Murrow award for her work as a journalist.
This former baton-twirling beauty queen from the deep south, now lives in Tampa Florida with her husband, adopted son from Cuba, two daughters and one stubborn Bulldog named Sanford.
Her recipe comes from her Cuban mother – in – law – who is the probably the best cook in all of Tampa Bay.
1/2 cup white rice
Cuban version of Rice Pudding
3 1/2 cups water
2 inch piece of shaved lemon peel
1/2 stick cinnamon
4 cups milk
1 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
ground cinnamon
Put lemon peel and cinnamon stick in water and bring to a boil. Add rice, then turn to medium heat. Cook rice on medium heat until tender. Add salt, sugar, milk and vanilla. Cook while stirring until creamy. When creamy, pour into small glass containers and let cool. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. Cover and cool in refrigerator. Serves 8.
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