Hello! I hope you all are enjoying your holiday so far! I know I am! I’m Diane Alberts (but I also write as Jen McLaughlin), and I write mostly for the Entangled Brazen line! I’ve been buried in Christmas trees, lights, eggnog, and fictional hot men…
Wait, what? Did I say that out loud?
Favorite Holiday Song: Baby it’s Cold Outside (the Idina Menzel version)
Favorite Holiday Food: All the PIES!
What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?
Being with family, crackling fireplaces, and all the decorations.
What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?
The need to buy ALL THE THINGS.
About Seducing the Princess
Hero’s Name: Gordon Waybrook
Heroine’s Name: Princess Isabelle Van Guard the 3rd
What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?
Gordon would buy Isabelle a bike, because as a Princes,s she never learned how to ride one. And then they’d go biking through the hills of Maldeva, and lose themselves in the woods for a romantic, sexy afternoon of fun.
What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?
Isabelle would get Gordon an Xbox One, because he likes playing shooting games, and he kind of misses living a life as a private security guard, but she doesn’t want him to actually go out in the world shooting at things–or worse, getting shot *at.*
Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?
Gordon would hang mistletoe under every single door in the castle, because then he’d have an excuse to kiss her every time they walked into a room…not that he needed one, of course.
Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.
He lowered his face to hers, their lips a scant inch apart.
“Are you sure you want this? I’m only going to ask you this one time. You’re a grown woman, so I won’t ask you if you’ve changed your mind every other step we take toward that bed.”
“I want this.” She reached out and curled her hands around his nape, her fingers brushing the soft curl that rested just below his ear. “I want you.”
“Then you’re mine,” he said. “You have been since you sat next to me in that coffee shop.”
She nodded frantically, needing him to get on with it. To claim her. “Yes. I’m yours.”
He growled and closed the distance between them, his lips crashing to hers. The second they touched, she knew that this would be unlike any experience she’d ever had. Gordon was undeniably sexy, and she was attracted to him more so than she’d ever been attracted to another man before, but that wasn’t what would make this so different.
It was him, and the way he made her feel. Every single caress, every soft move he made, sent a surge of lust crashing through her veins. He said he’d own her tonight, and he was right. He totally did.
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