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The Practice Proposal
by Tracy March

Liza Sutherland isn’t looking for love. Not from a charity-auction date she didn’t even bid on and especially not with Nationals first baseman Cole Collins, the guy she obsessed over as an awkward teenager. She won’t get involved with a notorious player, no matter how attractive Cole is.


Cole Collins is up for contract renegotiation, but after too many late-night parties, he’ll need some positive publicity before he can make the roster. His agent, Frank, pitches Liza as the perfect prop…only Cole didn’t account for Liza no longer being just a teenager with a crush. She’s gorgeous and smart and he’s instantly hooked.



Read Chapter One
Want more from Tracy March?
Top Ten Things I like to do at the Ballpark
by Tracy March


Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie. Mmm…I get all swoony just thinking about baseball. I love it so much that I even wrote The Practice Proposal, a novel about a sexy MLB player, his (not so) fake romance, and his team’s bid for a World Series win. The Washington Nationals are his team, and mine, too. Sadly, they didn’t make it to the World Series this year, but I’ll still be watching next season, hoping for the exciting daywhen the Nats (finally) get there—and win! Meanwhile, I’ll have to rely on my fond memories of exciting games at Nationals Park.

When I’m lucky enough to make it to a game, here are the top ten things I like to do at the ballpark. 

10.  Shopping at the Team Store – This is really saying something because I can’t stand to shop, but I’m like an awestruck groupie in the Nationals store with all that dazzling bright red and blue. There are so many more women’s styles now, making it even more fashionable to rock our team spirit!

9.  Singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the Seventh-Inning Stretch – I’m no Adele, but I sure love standing and singing this happy baseball tune with 30,000 of my closest fan-friends. It’s traditional, all-American, and a must-sing at the ballpark!

8.  The Wave – Not! Please, oh please, could we just get past the wave? Seriously. Enough already! ;)

7.  Pre-Game Happy Hour – And not just for the obvious reason—before-the-first-pitch, bargain-priced beer. It’s a great time to socialize and share the excitement of the big game on tap.

6.  Batting Practice – Which comes before/during Happy Hour. If you want to see some players slam some baseballs, check out easy-pitch batting practice when you’re most likely to catch a “home run” ball because so many sail into the stands. Ladies, bring your gloves!

5.  Celebrating Awesome Plays with Other Fans –It’s incredible to see that awesome double-play, that scorched home-run ball, that unbelievable defensive out. And it’s thrilling to share the excitement with other fans at the stadium when the atmosphere’s so electric.

4.  Walk-Up Music Fun – I love to hear the tunes that players pick for their walk-up music—from country songs, to rock classics, to quirky ‘80s favorites. Often the crowd sings along, or shout during breaks in the rhythm. Former Nationals player Michael Morse inspired a crowd favorite with his choice of A-Ha’s Take On Me. Even though the music would stop, in a moment of collective Nattitude, the crowd always continued singing the chorus until they reached the high note—way out of tune. Experience it here. Feel free to sing along…you know you want to!

3.  Eating a Hot Dog – Are there more appealing choices at the park than an often kept-in-the-warmer-too-long, foil-wrapped hot dog topped with mustard and a few onions? Of course! But I love a ballpark hot dog—soggy bun and all!

2.  Watching Amazing Plays –There’s something totally awesome about watching the most talented athletes in the sport make nearly impossible plays. It’s what keeps me going back to Stub Hub looking for sweet deals on tickets!

1.  Watching Hot Guys Make Amazing Plays – Watching pro baseball players compete should be enough entertainment, but I’m all for the sensory overload of watching hot pro players pouring all their testosterone into the game. Thank goodness the season is seven swoon-worthy months long.

Okay, boys! Put on your baseball pants and play ball!  


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