#TwitterLove Week of 5-30-2014

#TGIF! It’s that time again. A time to look back on all of the love and happiness spread across the Twitterverse this past week. This week we remembered graduations, found out our Under the Hood Names, and spread some exciting Entangled news. So let’s get down to it…


We asked you to share your Under the Hood name. Bet you never knew you had one!

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In case you missed it, find out your Under the Hood Name now.





May brings us graduation season, so we looked back and shared graduation songs.

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Now this is a graduation I wish I had attended.

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We learned that Boyz II Men ruled the ’90s, but unfortunately a few ’90s geek cards were suspended for a brief period of time (just kidding…we adore both of these lovely ladies).

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We love our readers…can anyone else relate?

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Check out Mr. Jackson rockin’ it out in the Pacey Tweet of the Week:

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In other related Entangled news…Entangled Teen dropped this bomb:

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And the collective response was an earth shattering scream.

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I wonder if this exciting announcement might somehow relate to the #SummerofLux:

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As Lux fans wait for the #SummerofLux to begin, let’s all spread a little #TwitterLove. Send out a special #LoveTweet today, we dare you. It will make you feel good. Until next week…grab a fabulous #FridayRead, kick back, and get ready for summer.






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