Dear Reader,
Memorial Day is a day to honor our military service men and women who’ve so valiantly served their country in honor of our freedom. This weekend, let’s remember those who’ve sacrificed their lives for us.
With May being Military Appreciation month, we’d like to offer a few ways you can honor those who’ve served and continue to serve (adapted from National Military Appreciation Month’s website)…
1. Fly the American Flag
2. Attend a military event in your area, and share with media
3. Send a care package to a soldier
3. Adopt a hero at Soldiers’ Angels
4. Send a military shout out through Allies for GIs
5. Shake the hand of a military person in uniform
6. Read and share a book featuring a military hero
Continue on to find Entangled books featuring military heroes/themes. There’s something for everyone. We hope you enjoy!
~The Entangled Team
~The Entangled Team
(Click on book for more information)
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