#TwitterLove Week of 5-16-2014

#TGIF readers! It’s been a week of mischief, mayhem, and elevator hotties? Yup, that’s what we said. Entangled peeps were in New Orleans this week with some fabulous authors, bloggers, and readers and we brought with us a few special surprises. But for those that couldn’t be at the RT Convention, we had some fun of our own. So let’s get down to business!


We wanted to know what you were reading. The catch? Tell us the plot in two words! You didn’t disappoint.

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Then we took a walk down memory lane and shared our high school obsessions.

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Then some fun was had at the RT Convention. From Candy and Spoons to the Pub Crawl, we spotted quite a few convention goers having a lot of fun with Entangled!

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And then there were the Elevator Hotties! Yes, some Entangled Men invaded RT elevators. They provided many smiles and good dreams after a long day of fun.

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And we can’t forget our Pacey Tweet of the Week. Even with her busy schedule, Ophelia London still managed to sneak in a special shot of Mr. Witter.

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Thanks for another fabulous week. What was your favorite part? Did you share an obsession? Fall for an elevator hottie? Let us know in the comments or tweet us your pictures from an Entangled event at RT. We love to hear from you.

Until next week, go forth and share some #TwitterLove!

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