‘Tis the season…

Snow. Eggnog. Candlelight. Evergreen. Music. Love.  All of these things, and more, symbolize the holiday season.

What about books?  There’s something about holiday books that help bring out the holiday spirit in all of us at Entangled.  If you’re like us and adore holiday love stories, you’re in for a treat.  We’ve rounded up Entangled’s holiday books in one easy place for you to find and enjoy them all.

~Happy Holidays!


(click on the covers for more info)

Falling4theCEO-500pxhttp://www.entangledpublishing.com/stranded-with-a-hero/9781622663811Tempted-500pxACCC500ChristmasPast_500Cover_Letters From Home - Bethanne StrasserDuetInCrimsonTBCB.James500SCC_500newcover500WhiteLie_500YAM-500Kiss Santa-500pxScandalousHoliday_500pxThStGL_500SecretSantaBaby_RGB_500x750IYBIMTtStbK_500HIC_500pxAIWFC-500pxNIC_500pxNoN-500px


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