Happy Holidays Everyone!
Join us in celebrating Entangled Teen’s 12 Days of Kick-ass Christmas Event! This event is going to be a blast!
Our authors are joining together to share some exclusive content with you all! There will be 2 teams: The Smart-Ass Team will post a good or swoon-worthy deleted scene or an excerpt and The Bad-Ass Team will post a villainous deleted scene or excerpt.
And the coolest part about this celebration of all things “Kick-Ass” is that the authors will be posting on each other’s blogs! The party starts on December 2nd and goes all the way to December 13th! We will wrap up the event with our monthly Twitter party on December 13th at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST.
Each day of the Kick-Ass event will feature 2 posts from our amazing Entangled Teen Authors, along with an EPIC giveaway!
So, “How do I join in?” you ask?It’s easy! Just follow along with the tour and find the hidden word (it will be highlighted) in each post, and then fill out the Rafflecopter form.
“What can I win?” you ask.
So many things. You can win one of 2 Kindles (each valued at $69, US Only). We’re also giving away 5 sets of 5 Entangled Teen Print Books (US Only), and 10 Entangled Teen eBooks (International)! As if that isn’t enough, we will be giving away more books, as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble Gift Cards during the Twitter party! That means 2 people will win a kindle, 5 people will win 5 sets of our amazing print titles, and 10 people will win eBooks, and much more!
Let’s introduce you to the teams!
Team Smart-AssKendra HighleyRachel HarrisKarri Thompson (will be hijacking Two Chicks on Books for her post)Danielle EllisonJolene PerryLea NolanKelley YorkTiffany TruittRebekah PurdyShea Berkley (will be hijacking Two Chicks on Books for her post)Renee CollinsTracy Clark
Team Bad-AssChristine BellVivi BarnesPrincess Sophie (will be hijacking Two Chicks on Books for her post)Cecily WhiteVictoria ScottSally Rigby aka Sara HantzMelissa WestCindi MadsenLisa BursteinJus AccardoChloe JacobsBrooklyn Skye
And here’s the post schedule!
12/2/2013 Kendra Highley will host Rachel Harris with a Smart-Ass post.
12/2/2013 Rachel Harris will host Kendra Highley with a Smart-Ass post.
12/3/2013 Christine O’Neil will host Vivi Barnes with a Bad-Ass post.
12/3/2013 Vivi Barnes will host Christine O’Neil with a Bad-Ass post.
12/4/2013 Karri Thompson will host Danielle Ellison with a Smart-Ass post.
12/4/2013 Danielle Ellison will host Karri Thompson with a Smart-Ass post.
12/5/2013 Princess Sophie will host Cecily White with a Bad-Ass post.
12/5/2013 Cecily White will host Princess Sophie with a Bad-Ass post.
12/6/2013 Jolene Perry will host Lea Nolan with a Smart-Ass post.
12/6/2013 Lea Nolan will host Jolene Perry with a Smart-Ass post.
12/7/2013 Victoria Scott will host Sara Hantz with a Bad-Ass post.
12/7/2013 Sara Hantz will host Victoria Scott with a Bad-Ass post.
12/8/2013 Kelley York will host Tiffany Truitt with a Smart-Ass post.
12/8/2013 Tiffany Truitt will host Kelley York with a Smart-Ass post.
12/9/2013 Melissa West will host Cindi Madsen with a Bad-Ass post.
12/9/2013 Cindi Madsen will host Melissa West with a Bad-Ass post.
12/10/2013 Rebekah Purdy will host Shea Berkley with a Smart-Ass post.
12/10/2013 Shea Berkley will host Rebekah Purdy with a Smart-Ass post.
12/11/2013 Lisa Burstein will host Jus Accardo with a Bad-Ass post.
12/11/2013 Jus Accardo will host Lisa Burstein with a Bad-Ass post.
12/12/2013 Renee Collins will host Tracy Clark with a Smart-Ass post.
12/12/2013 Tracy Clark will host Renee Collins with a Smart-Ass post.
12/13/2013 Chloe Jacobs will host Brooklyn Skye with a Bad-Ass post.
12/13/2013 Brooklyn Skye will host Chloe Jacobs with a Bad-Ass post.
We’re super excited to share all of these awesome posts with you and make sure to follow along on twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #12DaysOfKickass!
So fun!! Looking forward to it! :)