With DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN LOVE running wild in the world, we think it calls for a new giveaway. And since Ophelia digs music so hard, let’s do something with that.
Ah, amore. You have to love that “can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think” feeling. We all have playlists that help convey our emotions and Spring–my main character in Definitely, Maybe in Love–explains to her best friend, Mel, why she’s on an “all-chick musical kick.” Bossy and opinionated in his own right (though adorably sexy), Henry sets out to widen Spring’s (ahem) musical exposure.
We all make playlists and we want to know what’s on yours. That’s why Ophelia’s developed this cool contest…
Spring mentions four singers/bands when talking about Henry’s playlist. In the comment field of Ophelia’s website (don’t forget your email addy) name TWO of those singers/bands, then–and here’s the fun part–tell me her favorite make out song.
If you’re a winner, the prize is an iPod shuffle, and your song will be added to the official
“Spring’s Education of the Mail Voice” playlist.
(Warning: per Spring, there is to be no Marvin Gaye, nor Prince and no Barry White. That’s just too easy.)
contest ends 11/29
Have fun, and get your smexy freak on!
Also, Definitely, Maybe in Love is only 99 cents for a limited time only so make sure to pick up your copy today!
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