Behind the Book with Annie Seaton and the ‘Affair’ Books

Behind the BookA little bit about journeys…

My journey to writing or how writing came to me, and the richness of the life that followed…

Life takes us on some strange journeys. Just when we think we have it all mapped out, a detour on the road ahead beckons and you have to choose between the safe direct paved road to your destination or the winding, rutted path that will take you thorough uncharted territory.

I was a high school principal, fully immersed in a career in education when that winding road of writing beckoned to me. I made a snap decision to retire early, a week into a new school year when I realized education no longer held its appeal. I had always had a burning desire to write and decided to dabble and see if I could do it. I had been writing dry and dusty submissions for education funding for years and had an excellent knowledge of language from my love of reading and study over many years.

My journey along that not so rutted path has brought amazing richness into my life.

How you may ask?
I wrote a book. That book was accepted by Entangled Publishing. I wrote another book… it too was accepted.

My first book  Holiday Affair became a bestseller. I kept writing. I submitted more books. I got more contracts. I now write for four Entangled Publishing imprints- Indulgence, Bliss, Ignite and Covet and my tenth book will be published with them next year!

Life became very busy… but I had no strict schedules. All from the comfort of a chair overlooking the ocean in my living room.

And all of this in two short years.

So how did this foray into uncharted territory enrich my life?

The people I met. My new ‘friends’. Writers with a burning desire to tell a story, to make a difference. People like me. Other people who understood why I spend a lot of time thinking and dreaming.

Writing words. Creating lives. Solving imaginary problems.

Through my writing and editing, I made connections all over the world and many of these connections have turned into true lifelong real friendships.

So embrace change. Take risks and your life will be richer for it.

Jessica Trent in Outback Affair did that very same thing.   She took huge risk with her career, and a journey across the wild outback of Australia which posed some risks for this sassy American food journalist. Confrontation and conflict with a hunky and sexy fisherman led to some changes in her life. I hope you enjoy Outback Affair as much as I loved writing it and taking a trip to the outback to research the setting!

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