Six Sentence Sunday: Tempted in the Tropics by Tracy March

Six Sentences Sunday

Tempted in the Tropics by Tracy March releases on Monday and Tracy has sneak peak into the book with her six sentences.

In this scene Paige and Lane have just arrived in St. Lucia and called a temporary truce to their feud.  They go sightseeing to the mineral baths where the guide has just directed them to the secluded Pool of Love.  Paige is enjoying standing under the waterfall when she has an *ahem* wardrobe malfunction with her bikini top.

“Please tell me you didn’t see my boobs.”

Lane tried not to laugh. “Did you just say boobs?”

Paige popped open her eyes. “Boobs, breasts, mammary glands…whatever the hell you doctors call them. Please tell me mine weren’t out there.”

What happens next between this sweet baker and the sexy doctor next door?  Pick up Tempted in the Tropics to find out!

Tempted in the Tropics by Tracy March


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