Welcome to our first installment of Q1 Wednesday! What is Q1 Wednesday, you ask? It’s ONE QUESTION; ONE ANSWER; EVERY WEDNESDAY. We’ll be posting one question every Wednesday. They’ll be directed to one of our Entangled team members, and we’re sure you’ll be riveted (briefly, since the answers will be short!) every week.
Why are we doing Q1 Wednesday? It’s an opportunity to get to know who we all are outside (and inside) of Entangled. We’ve been the little guy in the big, bad publishing world for 2 1/2 years, and truth be told, despite the phenomenal success we’ve experienced, we’re still the little guy. We’re the publisher around the corner, not the conglomerate in the City. And we WANT you to know us! We want to know you. And so we are introducing Q1 Wednesday so we can share ourselves with you.
Q1 Wednesday kicks off with Stacy Abrams, Executive Editorial Director of Entangled, and Editorial Director of Bliss and Entangled Teen.
Q: Stacy, if you could be the heroine from any of the books you’ve edited, who would you be and why?
A: If I could be the heroine of any book I edited, I think I’d have to pick Maggie Davis from Renee Collins’s RELIC. Sure, Maggie’s had a rough go of it, what with losing her parents in a mysterious fire and having to protect and provide for her younger sister, Ella. But Maggie lives in the coolest world: an alternate Wild West where people pan for the ancient bones of magical creatures and harness their powers for their own gain. I’d probably want to harness dragon relics in the winter—I’d never get cold living in the northeast because I’d always have a fire going!—and griffon relics in the summer, so I could fly around Manhattan and see everyone from up high. Of course, I might be tempted to try out the siren relic, too, when dealing with a difficult negotiation or when trying to win an auction for my new favorite author.
And if not for the amazing powers Maggie wields, I’d want to be her for her sweet romance with the cowboy Landon. I love me some protector heroes, and Landon’s the best of the bunch—sensitive and kind, but also works wonders with a goblin rifle. And who doesn’t love a guy in uniform?
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