The Switched Baby Scandal Blog Tour

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The Switched Baby Scandal blog tour kicks off today!

The Switched Baby Scandal  is going on tour and Theresa Meyers will be touring the blogosphere with exclusive excerpts, interviews, and an awesome giveaway! Follow the tour for your chance to win the ultimate Scandalous Bliss Bath Experience, featuring a set of four bath bombs and bubble bars from LUSH, chocolates and  candles to make your reading bliss complete!


Official Tour Stops

June 18 – Read Your Writes

June 18 – Ex Libris

June 19 – Love Romance Passion

June 20 – That’s What I’m Talking About

June 21 – The Romanceaholic

June 24 – Book Sniffer’s Anonymous

June 25 – Ramblings From This Chick

June 26 – Harlequin Junkie

June 27 – The Reading Café

July 5 – Manga Maniac Cafe 



[box] TSBS His child. Her daughter. One monumental mix-up.

Single mom Taylor Lawrence just discovered that the hospital sent her home with the wrong infant five years ago. Now the headstrong and handsome biological father wants his child back. But Emily has always been her daughter, and Taylor wont give her up without a fight.

Widower Reece Wallace believed his life was over when a drunk driver killed his wife and daughter. So when he learns of the baby switch, he sees this child as his ultimate salvation. But he never anticipated the fiery woman on the other side of this custody battleor how shed stir feelings in him long dormant.

As the media storm surrounding the hospitals mistake intensifies, Taylor and Reece find theres more to sort out than custody of Emily they must work together to protect her while grappling with their growing attraction. Can they pick up the pieces of two broken families and meld them into something new? [/box] 

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