Straight Talk With Eve Devon

Please welcome Eve Devon, the author of The Waiting Game, for a little bit of Straight Talk!

Eve Devon_author photo_for Entangled use

How do you celebrate when finishing writing a book? I grab the bottle of bubbly, Hubby grabs the food and we drink and cook while listening to REALLY loud music—it’s both celebratory and cathartic.


Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?  So sitting in the dentist’s chair is never the easiest of things, is it? But my recent visit went a lot easier when I discovered my dentist could actually understand what I was saying while I was lying there, mouth wide open. Not only that, after I got out of the chair, she went straight to the internet, looked me up, and proudly announced to the waiting room that one of her patient’s was a real-life published author and they should all immediately go buy my book. And when your dentist orders you to do something, you do it, right?


If you could have dinner, drinks, or coffee with a fictional character who would you choose and where would you go? Dinner with Jack Reacher would be interesting – there would be bound to be an adventure involved. I’d love to have drinks with J.D. Robb’s Eve and Roarke – it’s how I imagine having cocktails with Brad and Angelina might be! And I’d love to have a gossipy tea with Miss Marple.


Do you usually begin with plot or character? Usually, a scene with a hero or heroine keeps popping into my head. Sometimes I can tell it’s come from something I’ve seen or heard, sometimes it seems to be from nowhere. Next, I start turning the scene into a “what if” moment. The characters usually flow as I’m starting to develop the plot.


What was the inspiration for your book? My guilty pleasure is reality talent TV—dreams dashed, hopes kept alive until the next round…LOVE it! For me, it’s not so much about the talent, as watching all manner of people chase something without necessarily thinking what it will really mean if they win. On one particular show a group of girls were waiting to go on stage to sing. Three of them looked nervous but excited but one of them was totally still—as if she was gathering everything she knew about herself to go out and perform. She stepped out onto the stage bubbly, excited and alive—the complete opposite of how she’d looked seconds earlier. I kept wondering what she’d been saying to herself to get herself out onto that stage! Then, a few weeks later, I was watching a documentary on The Spice Girls and listening to Emma Bunton explain how scared she was when her parents had had to buy blackout curtains for their house so that they could just be in it without feeling like they were being watched. The next thing I knew my heroine Brooke Bennet was forming. She was a woman who was living but not really living. She was waiting, watching and had to summon her every reserve of strength just to make it through everyday life after paying a heavy price for being in the spotlight.


How difficult is it to come up with titles for your books? Insanely difficult. Like, I have to brainstorm titles and do word-association and everything. I did think it would be great to have book titles like Adele’s album titles, but then I realized I’d have to divulge my age, and suddenly the mad scrabble I go through to find the perfect title became much more appealing!


Who would play your hero or heroine in your tv or film of your book? Well I always “cast” my characters but I don’t like to go with anyone too famous because then you get caught up in them being them rather than your character. For Cam Dexter the Hero in The Waiting Game I had Brett Tucker for his quiet/can-do look and piercing blue eyes. For Brooke Bennet the Heroine in The Waiting Game I had Natalie Imbruglia for her beautiful, vulnerable eyes.


Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your book? I love me some Nora Roberts! I know. Who doesn’t? I also love how Ann Rule gets into the heads of real-life crime characters and gives them a voice.


Where does the magic happen? Where do you write? I have a little room at the top of our stairs that I proudly refer to as my garret. I write with my back to the window to avoid distraction and when I need a distraction I plod downstairs to sit at our dining room table. There, I have a lovely view of all the jobs I haven’t gotten around to doing in the garden.


Aside from writing, what do you do in your spare time? I love all things craft. Sometimes just thinking about trying a new craft project is enough to soothe stressed out me.  I can’t claim that every craft project I try is successful (sadly for you all – incredibly luckily for me, the self-portrait project met with an unfortunate accident just before its completion). I also love visiting museums and art galleries. And reading, reading, reading. If the reading happens to coincide with a stormy night, a real fire and an endless cup of tea… heaven.

About the Book: The Waiting Game


Five years ago a madman stalked her. Kidnapped her. Tattooed her.

When security expert Cameron Dexter—the man Brooke Bennett once loved—appears unexpectedly at her door with terrifying news, the former musician discovers she can no longer hide from her past. After five years, her vicious kidnapper is out of prison and on the hunt—for Brooke.

Now he’s returned to complete his art.

Cam failed to protect Brooke once before. Now he’d rather die than let her be captured. With her life at stake, Cam vows to keep her hidden and safe. Brooke, however, is done with running. Unlike Cam, she wants to stand and fight. Emotions both old and new roil between them, but addressing their heated past must wait. Together they set a trap in London to catch a killer. But they soon discover the enemy wears many faces…

And waiting is no longer an option.






Title: The Waiting Game

Author: Eve Devon

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: 243 pages

Release Date: May 27, 2013

Imprint: Suspense




About Author

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