Sneak Peak #3: His Risk to Take by Tessa Bailey

His Risk to Take
by Tessa Bailey

His Risk to Take, Tessa Bailey’s luscious Ever After Brazen novella, will be here soon!  In a couple of weeks , we’re going to be able to read it all, but here is another sneak peak to tide us over until then.


An excerpt from His Risk to Take:

“Tell me what you want.”

“You know what I want.” She nipped his jaw. “Don’t make me beg for it.”

He laughed under his breath. “Oh, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” Breaking her hold, Troy crawled down her body until he knelt between her thighs. Strong hands gripped her knees, squeezing as if in anticipation. “Show me how far you can spread them.”

Tessa Bailey

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