Sneak Peak #3: Protecting What’s His by Tessa Bailey

Protecting What’s His
by Tessa Bailey

Protecting What’s His, Tessa Bailey’s luscious Brazen novel, will be here soon!  In only three more days, we’re going to be able to see and read it all, but here is another sneak peak to tide us over until then.



An excerpt from Protecting What’s His

“Good girl. Show me how you touch yourself.”

His voice sounded like gravel and stroked over her like a rough caress. She wanted to replace her hand with his bigger, more skillful one and told him so out loud.

God, baby. Me, too. Just a little bit longer.”

Using two fingers, Ginger found the place needing the most attention and stroked over it gently at first, moaning at the delicious pressure, then faster until her hips moved restlessly on the seat, begging for release.

“Don’t you dare come, Ginger.Not yet. You’ll come with me inside you tonight or not at all.”

She barely heard him. Release was only seconds away. She could feel the tightening of her muscles, the trembling beginning in her upper thighs and moving higher. Derek’s scent surrounded her in his car, pushing her even closer to the edge.

Suddenly, her hand was gone from between her thighs and being held in Derek’s shaking grip.


Tessa Bailey

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