Private Practice by Samanthe Beck Sneak Peak and Teaser!

Are you wondering what the cover of the new Brazen title Private Practice looks like? How about a small snippet from one of Samanthe’s favorite scenes? Well look no further!

We’re less than a week away from releasing Samanthe Beck’s book Private Practice and since we are such teases we thought we would celebrate with sneak peeks and snippets all week! So tune in on Friday for more smexy times!



And now for the teaser!


“What if I told you this is the raciest dinner I’ve ever had in my life?” she asked.

“I’d say it’s not over yet.” As proof, his nimble fingers rounded the curve of her knee and continued up her thigh.

She grasped the table and moaned softly as those big, blunt fingers stroked dangerously close to the thin strip of silk providing a flimsy barrier between her and a complete physical meltdown.

“Definitely not over,” he said, and stroked again.

“Don’t,” she groaned, and dropped her hand beneath the table to grip his wrist. But at the same time she scooted closer to the edge of her chair. She was sending mixed messages and couldn’t seem to help it.

“Want me to stop?” Even as he posed the question, his fingers danced a little farther up her thigh. Concentration became impossible. Her pulse skittered out of control, pounding in her throat, her chest, between her legs.


Don’t forget to check out our lovely author Samanthe on Twitter, Facebook, and her Website.

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