Wish List: February 2013 Edition

Wish List bannerIt’s 2013, and that means new wish lists for many of our editors! We started the new year with a bang, announcing our global distribution partnership with Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press and our film production partnership with Davis Entertainment. As if that wasn’t enough to keep us grinning, our editorial team is growing, and growing strong. Be sure to check our our editorial staff.
We now have twelve imprints and many editors looking for special stories to round out their lists. If you have a manuscript to submit, read on to see who’s looking for what you’ve written.
As always, please do not query more than one editor within a specific line. Refer to the specific imprint for any additional submission requirements.
It looks like several editors are looking for interesting takes on contemporary romance.


Alethea Spiridon Hopson is looking for revenge, blackmail, matchmaker, and mistaken identity stories with alpha heroes that have unique and interesting jobs.  She’d like to see some hot men in really strong and exciting careers: hostage negotiator, secret agent, fireman, politician, ethical hacker, pilot, architect. And cowboys and tortured heroes.

Stacy Abrams and her Associates at Bliss want to see:

  • Fun, flirty contemporary romance
  • Amnesia, blackmail, or bait and switch stories
  • Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years stories featuring someone who has nowhere to be for the holidays and is taken in by their love interest’s family
  • Anything featuring multicultural characters!

Kaleen Harding is acquiring across all of our imprints. She’s looking for contemporary, as well as books with paranormal elements:

  • Medical theme with an ethical dilemma (but ethical dilemma isn’t the romantic relationship). Doctors without borders. Medical relief missions to natural disasters.
  • A modern day ghost story- that real-life experience that you’ve heard people tell about haunted houses, hotels, old schools, etc. Think “Ghost Hunters.”
  • YA with paranormal/supernatural elements.

And be sure to note that the
  Mistaken Identity trope is her favorite.

Wendy Chen is also on the hunt. She wants category length manuscripts with strong, smart heroines. Her favorite story lines are Friends to lovers, Enemies to lovers, Reunited lovers, Accidental pregnancy, Baby on doorstep, Reformed bad boy, and Marriage of Convenience.
Covet launches with a whole new look in March.  This line of contemporary romances with paranormal twists breaks all the rules. And we love every word!
Editorial Director of Covet Lauren Ruth is looking for the following:

  • A dark, tortured hero (vamp/demon) and a tough heroine who isn’t afraid to stand up to him.
  • A dark, tortured supernatural hero and a sweet, virtuous heroine with a sense of humor who offers just what he needs.
  • A marriage of convenience between two warring sanctions of a species – vamp/werewolf, vamp/demon, fallen angel/fairy.
  • Enemies to lovers – vampire style. Let the bickering begin.
  • Light and funny paranormal – Van Helsing meets 27 dresses.
  • Forbidden love. Human/vampire, demon/human. Stakes in this story should be high – life or death if the two should succumb to the sexual tension pulling them together.
  • A zombie romance that we can stomach.
  • Protector/ward—demon/fairy, demon/human—what happens when a demon must choose between protecting his people, and protecting his heart?

Our new Entangled Suspense line is open for killer submissions.
Rochelle French is currently looking for a cozy romantic mystery, featuring a unique heroine and a hero who will challenge her, the element of danger, plus a voice that will have readers laughing, crying and on the edge of their seat. Series proposals by established authors only.
And don’t discount those fantasy elements! A few of our editors really want to see more of this! We’re all hoping the fantasy genre breaks out again soon…

Keyron Gerlach is currently looking for romantic suspense of both single title and category lengths for the newly revamped Entangled Suspense program. She has a soft spot for serial killer, cult, and natural disaster suspense plots and loves her some cowboys and military heroes!
Theresa Cole, for example, wants dark, gritty paranormals; fairy tale retellings with original twists; all types of mythology; stories set in other countries; twists on religion (any religion) – bonus points if secret societies are involved; character-focused, edgy YA/NA dealing with real issues; alternate histories with paranormal elements.
A dangerous bad boy hero or a twist on mythology, religious theories, or legends are almost always sure win her. She loves sassy heroines with heart, dark/dangerous/tortured herods, and any romance that tears her heart out or melts it into a puddle (bonus points if it does both), but hasn’t been done a thousand times already. Make her cry or laugh out loud! It’s that deep emotional reaction she’s really looking for.

Kerri-Leigh Grady is looking to fill her 2014 calendar. She’s really interested in romantic comedies for any line and historical romances for Scandalous, Edge, or Select. She’d also love to get her hands on some Old West and Regency romances, romantic thrillers (supernatural elements are a bonus), f/f novellas, smart romantic comedies, and post-apocalyptic romance.

She’s also open to smart, strong, funny heroines and the men who can go toe-to-toe with them in the category lines. She’d like to see smart Covets, but I prefer stories with very limited critter counts (i.e. one or _maybe_ two paranormal species per world). And I would squee hard if I got a Covet featuring any trope at all and a sexy nerd angel. Or two. Ahem.
If you’re into historical romance like we are, then rejoice! Pat Brigandi is looking for stories across history.

  • World War II stories and twists on the classics: Taming of the Shrew; Jane Eyre; Wuthering Heights
  • She’d also welcome a play on the Black and White movie classics: GASLIGHT; CASABLANCA; THE GHOST AND MRS. MUIR; CAPTAIN BLOOD; JEZEBEL. Think American Movie Classics.
  • Columbus and the early American settlers, the Industrial Revolution and the Roaring Twenties are also on her list. She is also interested in:
  • Colonial period (1630-1763), which includes the Mayflower, Plymouth colony and the Wampanoag Indians.
  • The Civil War including stories about the Underground Railroad, Immigration and Ellis Island starting in the late 1800’s
  • Immigrant life in the big cities circa early 1900’s
  • The Ragtime Era
  • The Great Depression.

And, of course, many of our editors are excited to continue the phenomenal success we’ve had with our Entangled Teen titles, new DigiTeen, and Embrace imprints. Karen Grove is looking for all genres of New Adult–contemporary, mysteries, fantasy, sci fi, thrillers, mysteries, and romance. They can be humorous, dark, snarky, sexy, quirky, suspenseful, romantic…but they must be told from NA perspective.

Finally, Heather Howland and her assistant editors would like to see:

  • Anything military- or special ops-related. Bonus points if they’re edgy, dangerous stories. Can be contemporary romance or romantic suspense, and she especially loves when the hero is in a protector role. These are her favorite stories and she’s always looking for more of them to add to her list.
  • Sports romance for our YA and New Adult imprints. She most enjoys football, hockey, baseball, and winter sports but will consider others if they fit the high school/college setting.
  • YA and New Adult contemporary thrillers. If your book keeps Heather up all night and makes her call her assistant editors first thing in the morning to freak out, you’re her kind of author. Strong romantic elements a must!
  • Smart, funny romance for our single-title imprints. Heather would love to see a light and sexy single-title series set in Alaska around a group of brothers/cousins/best friends, or fun fish-out-of-water stories.
  • Swoonworthy YA and New Adult contemporary romance. If you write like Stephanie Perkins, Jennifer Echols, Jandy Nelson, or Sarah Ockler, Heather want to hear from you!
  • 50k – 60k submissions suitable for Brazen, Indulgence, and Covet. See submission guidelines on the Entangled website for more information.

Please note, Liz Pelletier is currently closed for submissions

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3 Replies on Wish List: February 2013 Edition

  • I’m interested in submitting a 10-15K story [or a novella @ 30,000 words]. Subject: special ops. Strong protagonists — the male is on a special ops team; the female is a CIA covert agent.

    I’m a self-published/e-published author [see Amazon.com] in search of a good publishing house, like Entangled. My novels include: Return of the French Blue, and She Rides with Genghis Khan. Both feature Catalina Syrah [spy and art historian], and Nicholas Bonhomme [French Directorate agent.]

    It looks like Heather Howland or Keyron Gerlach might be interested in a 10-15K story and submission. I’ve only just begun the special op story, so if there is a specific direction or plot-line of interest please let me know.

    Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. — Pam Eglinski

    p.s. I’m a alumna of CSU and love Ft. Collins!

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