Toxic Blog Tour and Jus Accardo Goodreads Q&A

The blog for Toxic, the highly-anticipated sequel to Touch by Jus Accardo, goes live today! Be sure to follow along with the Toxic tour for plenty of chances to win copies of Toxic and a ton of awesome swag, as well as some exclusive excerpts and other goodies!

Also, Jus Accardo’s Q&A on Goodreads started today! She’ll be hanging around for the next several weeks to chat with you guys about the Denazen series, writing, and whatever you want to know! Be sure to join the group and keep stopping by –

09/24 – We Fancy Books
09/25 – Novel Nerd Bailey
09/26 – Shortie Says
09/27 – The Book Goddess
10/01 – Mostly YA Book Obsessed
10/04 – Creative Reads
10/05 – Winterhaven Books
10/08 – Some Like it Paranormal
10/08 – Stuck in Books
10/10 – I Read Indie
10/11 – Writers Write, Right?
10/11 – Fictitious Delicious
10/15 – The Bookish Brunette
10/15 – Chocolate Chunky Monkie
10/16 – Two Chicks on Books
10/18 – Coffee, Books, and Me
10/19 – Once Upon a Twilight
10/22 – Confessions of a Vi3t Babe
10/22 – Pen to Paper
10/25 – Nomalicious Reads
10/26 – Good Choice Reading
10/29 – K-Books
10/31 – Young Readers at Home
11/01 – Step into Fiction
11/02 – Reading Angel
11/05 – The Fairytale Nerd
11/06 – Rants n Scribbles
11/08 – The Bookish Babes
11/09 – Book Passion For Life
11/12 – I’m a Book Shark
11/13 – Reading Lark
11/15 – Dog-Eared and Bookmarked

When a Six saved Kale’s life the night of Sumrun, she warned there would be consequences. A trade-off. Something taken for the life they gained. But Dez never imagined she’d lose the one thing she’d give anything to keep… And as if it’s not enough Dez finds her immunity to Kale fading, the Six brought in to help Kale learn to control his killer touch starts drooling on him the moment they meet. Worse than that? Jade can touch Kale. But bimbo Barbie is the least of Dez’s problems.

After Dez and Kale got away at Sumrun, her father lost not only his most powerful weapon but an important piece of the Supremacy project. Forced by Denazen to remedy the situation, he poisons Dez and offers her a choice–surrender to Denazen for the cure…or die. Determined to find a solution that doesn’t involve being bagged and tagged–or losing someone she loves–Dez keeps the poison a secret. But when a rash of Denazen attacks hit a little too close to home, Dez is convinced there’s a traitor among them. Jade.

Sacrifices, broken promises, and secrets. Dez will have to lay it all on the line if there’s any hope of proving Jade’s guilt before they all end up Residents of Denazen. Or worse, dead…

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