NOTE: If you’re pitching to an Entangled editor, please meet in the lobby seating area of The Courtyard at Marriott next to the RWA Convention Marriott!
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That’s right. We’re coming to Anaheim and RWA Nationals.
If you want to pitch your manuscript to an Entangled editor, this is the perfect opportunity.
We’re at Nationals, however since RWA prevents publishers less than two years old to take pitches on site, we’ll be holding pitch appointments offsite, as well as an informal Q&A with the publisher.
Be sure to join us for a special panel on Friday, July 27th at 3:00 PM. Liz Pelletier will be sharing the latest Entangled news and sharing information about our established, new, and upcoming imprints as well as answering questions in a round table discussion.
Since we’re a bit too young to be an official guest at RWA, we’ve decided to buck the system and do things our own way. That’s our MO, so you should expect nothing less from us. Entangled. We make our own opportunities.
Entangled editors are setting up shop in the lobby seating area of The Courtyard at Marriott next to the RWA Convention Marriott. If you’d like to reserve a spot to pitch, please leave a comment here and we’ll add you to our schedule! It’s as easy as that.
Friday 10-12 noon: Liz Pelletier
Friday 10-12 noon: Nina Bruhns, Dead Sexy
Friday at 3:00, join Liz Pelletier, publisher of Entangled, for a special round table discussion about the company and its lines.
Friday 4-5: Liz Pelletier
Saturday, 10-12 noon: Rochelle French, Dead Sexy & Entangled Select
Saturday, 2-3: Nina Bruhns, Dead Sexy
Pitch Appointment Schedule:
Friday, 10 -12, with Liz Pelletier
10:00 – Alice Fairbanks Burton
10:10 – Peter Andrews
10:20 – Abbi Wilder
10:30 – Toni Kenyon
10:40 – Hattie Ratliff
10:50 – Jane Emaus
11:00 – Laurel Wanrow
11:10 – Sarah Shade
11:20 – Kat Latham
11:30 – Nicole Flockton
11:40 – Brenna Aubrey
Friday, 4 – 5, with Liz Pelletier
4:00 – Deborah Graham
4:10 – Victoria Pinder
4:20 – Alison Diem
4:30 – Laura Thomson
4:40 – Jennyfer Browne
4:50 – Pattie Shenberger
Saturday, 10 – 12, with Rochelle French
10:00 – Christine Ashworth
11:20 Tiffany Grinstead (confirmed)
11:00 – Laura
11:30 – Michele Matthews
12:00 – Brenna Aubrey
Saturday, 2 -3, with Nina Bruhns
2:00 – Bernice Greenham
**If you do not see your name listed above or if you need to cancel, please email Melinda AT entangledpublishing.com
Leave a comment in the comments section here requesting a time and editor, including your name and email address. We’ll fill the 10 minute pitch time slots on a first come, first serve basis and will confirm your appointment with an email.
The lobby seating area of The Courtyard at Marriott next to the RWA Convention Marriott
I would LOVE a time with Liz on Friday morning – any time in that block 10-12 is fine with me.
I would like an appointment with Liz Pelletier in a Friday morning slot.
I am so excited to see Entangled is coming to Anaheim. Please sign me up for an appointment on Friday with Liz Pelletier. I prefer 4-5 but 10-12 is also fine. I am interested in Entangled Teen, upper and lower YA.
In my excitement, I forgot to add my email address. It’s ariamom@mac.com.
I would love a time in the afternoon either day. Thank you! Any block in the afternoon works.
I have the ms ready and already up on Kindle for Protective Craft. Unfortunately I’m in England and can’t visit in Anaheim. can we sort something via Internet?
I would love to get an appointment with Liz Pelletier either int he Friday 4-5 slot, or on Saturday, in the 2-3 slot.
Thank you kindly for the opportunity. :)
I would appreciate a slot Saturday, 2-3: Liz Pelletier.
I would like to meet Liz Pelletier at either Friday 4-5 or Saturday 2-3. Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love to have an appointment with Liz Pelletier for the Friday afternoon slot or the Saturday afternoon slot. Thank you so much for making the opportunities available!
What a fantastic idea!
I’d love to come over and hear Liz Pelletier’s talk at 3:00 p.m. How would I find out where that would be held at? Thanks!
I would love to pitch to Liz between 3-5pm on Friday. Thanks.
Abbi :-)
Abbi Wilder
Sorry, that should be between 10-12 Noon on Friday.
Abbi :-)
What a great opportunity, I love the way you think outside the square. I’d like to pitch to Liz on Friday. Any time is suitable.
My email is toni at tonikenyon dot com.
Looking forward to meeting you.
What a wonderful opportunity. I have been following your progress and am very excited. I would love to have the chance to pitch to Liz Saturday between 2 and 3 . Anytime will work. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hattie Ratliff
I would like an appointment if possible with Liz on Friday between 4-5 p.m. Thank you so much for doing this!
Patti Shenberger
I’m not pitching nor am I looking for a publisher, but I’m staying at the Cortona too, so if Liz, Rochelle or Nina see me in the bar (or anywhere else), hit me up for a drink. Just because I love what you do! :-)
Thanks so much for his opportunity. I’d love a meeting Liz on Friday. Anytime that is available.
I would like an appointment with Liz Pelletier either Friday morning after 11 (11-12 slot) or Saturday 2-3. Thank you do much for being available at the conference.
I would like to make an appointment with Liz Pelletier anytime Friday after 10:30 AM (morning or afternoon slot) or anytime Saturday. Thank you for this opportunity!
Sarah Shade
Liz Pelletier Saturday 2-3, thanks!
I’d love a pitch with Liz on Friday afternoon 4-5pm. Please email me at nicole at nicole flockton dot com.
Thank you!
I’d like the opportunity to pitch my historical romance to Ms. Pelletier on Saturday between 2-3 p.m.
apologies… forgot to leave my email: BrennaAubrey at gmail.com
I have already submitted to Entangled and received a note that it has been received. I sent the query to Stacy Abrams as she appeared to be the most suitable for my manuscript, but I would love to meet Liz Pelletier. Am I right in assuming that the panel meeting will be at the Cortona? Could you let me know the suite number as I would like to attend that meeting.
I would love an appointment with Liz Pelletier and any time is fine. Thank you so much for the opportunity! What a wonderful surprise!
I would be delighted to meet w/ Liz Pelletier on Friday in the 4-5p.m. slot if possible. So looking forward to attending your panel discussion also!
Thank you!
Sun Chara
I’d like to attend the special panel at 3:00 on Friday. Where will that be held?
As president of my chapter, I’m attending all the spotlights. Of course, they all fall on the times you’ve got available.
Is there any other way to pitch to you during Nationals?
Patricia W. Fischer
Hi Patricia,
That’s too bad. I’m committed to other things during most other times, but please do come up to me if you see me at the conference and introduce yourself.
I was hoping you guys would be taking pitches! Thanks for organizing this.
My first choice would be to pitch to Liz on Saturday 2-3, but if that’s booked then I can do Friday 10-12.
Thanks so much!
Kat Latham
I’d like a pitch appointment Saturday afternoon. Thank you.
I would love a time with Liz on Friday 10-12 or Saturday 2-3 (if not possible, I’ll take any other time) I am pitching a YA Urban Fantasy. And so looking forward to attending your panel on Friday, too!
Thank you so much!
Morgan Blackstone
Thanks for the opportunity! If possible, I’d love an appointment with Liz between 11 and noon on Friday or between 2 and 3 on Saturday.
Hi, I really meant to sign up for Rochelle on Saturday between 10-2! (Liz told me to say that.) But it’s true, I’d like to switch my appt time.
See you Saturday!
Hi everyone!
We are closing off the pitch requests for Liz only. There was a typo on the blog and she will NOT be taking appts. on Sat. However, if you do not receive an appt. with her and you are pitching a romantic suspense or adult single title, please consider signing back up for Nina Bruhns or Rochelle French.
There will be a pitch appt. schedule listed above in the blog post and those who provided their email addresses in the body of their comment will receive an email confirmation.
Even if you don’t have a pitch slot, stop by and say hello at The Courtyard at Marriot at 3 p.m. on Friday.
I’ve tried to email everyone that I could find an email addy for, if for any reason you didn’t get an email and you need to contact me, please email Melinda AT EntangledPublishing.com
I would love to meet with Liz, Nina or Rochelle at 11:30am on Saturday!! Please let me know if you still have something available.
Thanks so much,
Michele Mathews
Hi Michele,
I’ll try to get you an email also, but I’ll schedule you for 11:30 with Nina Bruhns on Saturday.
Thanks so much Melinda! See you Saturday at 11:30am!
Michele Mathews
At Anaheim and would love to pitch a story. I currently have a story submitted with Dead Sexy. Many thanks, Bernice Greenham (Lexi Greene)
Hi Bernice,
How would this morning with Nina Bruhns work? She’ll be there at 10 a.m.