Diane’s upped the ante for if she gets to the Top 100. The prize is now a Nook Color or a Kindle Fire. But remember, she only gets to give one away if enough people hear about it and buy it for TRY ME to hit the Top 100! Enter as much as you want, but unless she hits the Top 100, no one gets a Kindle Fire or Nook Color! Buy, share, and tweet this contest! Let’s reach our goal!
That’s right, she’s planning a celebration already! She’s going to give away a Nook Color (Est. Value $199), or a Kindle Fire (Est. Value $149) if Try Me hits the Top 100 on either site! Already have an e-Reader? Diane will give you a giftcard for the value of the e-Reader if you prefer, to Barnes and Noble OR Amazon! Diane knows a lot of people don’t have one yet, and she’d love for more people to get to read her books.
To help make that happen, all you have to do is spread the word in any way you can–blog about it, post on twitter, Facebook, etc! The sky is the limit! While a purchase is not required to win, those fans that have already purchased Try Me, can get an extra ten entries! Simply submit your order confirmation number.
Can it get any easier than that?! Help make Try Me hit the Top 100 today, and spread word about the contest. The more people involved, the higher the chances of hitting the Top 100! Also, in addition to the e-Reader, she’ll be giving away a second place price of a signed picture of the book cover–aka Jeremy’s abs! The winner for the second place prize will be chosen randomly from the participants entered in Rafflecopter.
You can gain extra entries by tweeting about the contest EVERY SINGLE DAY! Winners will be picked after the contest closes, on June 30th, 2012. Contest opened on June 4th, and the deadline to enter is June 30th, 2012.
If Try Me doesn’t hit the Top 100, Diane is still giving away a consolation prize–a twenty-five dollar gift card to the store of your choice, Barnes and Noble or Amazon!
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/try-me-diane-alberts/1111098286?ean=2940014388931
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Try-Me-Take-Chance-ebook/dp/B0085YEUJU/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t
Suggested tweet(in Rafflecopter below): If #TryMe hits the Top 100, @DianeAlberts is giving away a Kindle Fire or Nook Color! Check out the book now & RT! http://www.amazon.com/Try-Me-Take-Chance-ebook/dp/B0085YEUJU/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/try-me-diane-alberts/1111098286?ean=2940014388931
To enter, visit Diane’s website and fill out the Rafflecopter: http://dianealberts.com/contestsgiveaways/a-new-contest-for-a-free-e-reader-if-try-me-hits-the-top-100-entangledpub/
You know you want to! Just look at Jeremy’s abs. They’re begging to be touched. Let’s show him some love! Enter today!!
So, in the interest of judging a book by its cover, HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN!
I’m buying this just for the abs.
(Did I really just admit that!?) I did. I’m not ashamed.
No reason to be ashamed you know good abs when you see them lol
I put it on my facebook and twitter.Thank you for the contest.