CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: House of Horrors (Flirts)


In the dark of night, a stealthy tread creeps down the empty hallway, creaking the floorboards. Drawing near your bedroom. Filling your thoughts with a thousand images of sunken-eyed horrors and hollow, gaping mouths of disjointed teeth, pallid hands reaching for you, death-whitened bodies turned translucent and cold.

Closer. Closer. Closer, until your heart takes a single drunken stumble and then stops, caught in the frozen grip of terror. You stare at the black maw of the open door. It’s coming. Coming for you. It’s…

…your sexy boyfriend shuffling back from a midnight kitchen raid, with crumbs on his chin and nothing else on but a sleepy smile.

But pretty boy might want to put on some pants – because you aren’t alone in the house, and the dead are coming out to play.

Entangled Publishing seeks Flirts with a haunting theme for our 2012 Halloween releases. We’re looking for chilling stories of ghosts, poltergeists, possession, haunted locations, ghost hunters, exorcisms – and maybe even love from beyond the grave. While romance is essential to the story, what we’re really looking for is that thrilling edge of fear to add spice to the romantic tension building between our H/H. Submissions must:

  • Be 10,000 to 15,000 words in length.
  • Contain strong romantic elements.
  • Involve supernatural events at a haunted location. We’re looking more for ghost stories than standard paranormal romance with supernatural elements. More Paranormal Activity or House on Haunted Hill, less Underworld.
  • Avoid excessive gore. We’d like chilling tales with strong romance, but nothing that would make our gorge rise. Scare us, thrill us, but let us keep our lunches firmly where they belong.

All heat levels will be accepted, but erotic elements must not be the main focus of the story. We accept any genre that Entangled currently publishes.

Previously published material will not be considered, nor will manuscripts that have already been rejected by Entangled.

Manuscripts that have been chosen for the collection will be released as ebooks in October 2012.

To submit a manuscript for consideration, please send the full manuscript (RTF format) and a one-page query letter briefly describing the premise, heat level, and word count to flirt-submissions(at)entangledpublishing(dot)com. Query letters should be addressed to Adrien-Luc Sanders. Please include “House of Horrors” and your title in the subject line.

Submissions are open until July 31st, 2012 and final decisions will be made by August 31st. Standard Entangled Publishing royalty rates apply.

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