YAY 4 YA! Chosen Ones PRE-release Celebration with Tiffany Truitt!

From Monday, April 23rd to Friday, April 27th visit the COOLEST YA blogs, WIN some super rad book SWAG, get sneak peeks and insights into Tiffany Truitt’s debut novel, Chosen Ones.


Chosen Ones, book 1 in the Lost Souls series, will hit shelves on June 12th!


Monday, April 23rd    Novel Novice

Tuesday, April 24th    Girls in the Stacks

Wednesday, April 25th    Hypable

Thursday, April 26th    Mundie Moms

Friday, April 27th    The Readiacs


After you read about The Chosen Ones on your favorite YA blog, stop by Tiffany Truitt’s blog to read more general information about the day’s topic and a chance to win some cool prizes. All you have to do is answer the discussion question in the comments section to be entered. But that’s not the only way you can up your chances of winning some book swag. Follow Tiffany on twitter or like Tiffany on Facebook, and your name will get added to the mix again.

At the conclusion of YAY 4 YA, Tiffany will be picking 5 winners at random to win the following:

2 winners will receive: a signed Chosen Ones poster, a signed Chosen Ones arc, AND a signed Mortal Instruments poster by Cassandra Clare

3 additional winners will win: a signed Mortal Instruments poster by Cassandra Clare and an e-book version of The Chosen Ones

So how do you win again? You will be entered one time for each of the following: leaving a comment, following Tiffany on twitter (make sure and mention in the comments section that you followed), and liking Tiffany’s Facebook page.

Pre-order Chosen Ones at:

Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Title: Chosen Ones
Author: Tiffany Truitt
Genre: Young Adult SciFi
Length: 258 pages
Release Date: June 2012
Print ISBN: 978‐1‐62061‐000‐8
ePub ISBN: 978‐1‐62061‐001‐5

Chosen Ones
The Lost Souls, book 1

I pushed down a key. The hair on the back of my neck shot up, and my skin tingled.

I imagined this was what it felt like to fall in love.

In that moment, I was ready to fall.

Life is bleak but uncomplicated for Tess, living in a not-too-distant future where the government, faced with humanity’s extinction, created the Chosen Ones, artificial beings who are extraordinarily beautiful, unbelievably strong, and unabashedly deadly.

When Tess begins work at Templeton, a Chosen Ones training facility, she meets James, and the attraction is immediate in its intensity, overwhelming in its danger. But there is more to Templeton than Tess ever knew. Can she stand against her oppressors, even if it means giving up the only happiness in her life?

About Tiffany Truitt

Tiffany Truitt was born in Peoria, Illinois. A self-proclaimed Navy brat, Tiffany spent most of her childhood living in Virginia, but don’t call her a Southerner. She also spent a few years living in Cuba. Since her time on the island of  one McDonalds and Banana Rats (don’t ask), she has been obsessed with traveling. Tiffany recently added China to her list of travels (hello inspiration for a new book).

Besides traveling, Tiffany has always been an avid reader. The earliest books she remembers reading belong to The Little House on the Prairie Series. First book she read in one day? Little Woman (5th grade). First author she fell in love with? Jane Austen in middle school. Tiffany spent most of her high school and college career as a literary snob. She refused to read anything considered “low brow” or outside the “classics.”

About Author

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