Welcome to Straight Talk with Diane Alberts.
Take it away, Diane!
When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do?
I sit down at my desk and start writing. I’m not a plotter in any way, shape, or form. If I try to plot things out…I stall. Sometimes, I’ll get a little brainstorming going on, if I’m trying to plot the pace of the story, but my characters generally decide what will happen next.
If I need to do research to start a book, I’ll do that. But besides research related to a character or opening of a new project…I just type.
How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?
A glass of wine! Every time. What can I say, I love celebrating with a little bit of white wine. Preferably Moscato.
Then, the next day, I start another one. Book, that is. Not wine.
Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?
Hm. Mostly, I’ve gotten friends that are surprised by my books, and how much they like them. A lot of them buy them out of loyalty at first, I think, but then get pleasantly surprised by how fun they are. I try to make my books fun, and light-hearted, but I also touch upon deep and dark issues, as well. I like a little bit of everything in my books, so everyone walks away satisfied—yet ready for more.
Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share?
I love knitting and dyeing yarn. I actually have a yarn dyeing business. Most of my customers come from book-related yarn-of-the-month clubs. Like Harry Potter and True Blood. We take the characters and come up with colors that represent the characters. It’s loads of fun.
And knitting is my hobby, for sure. I’m currently working on a pair of striped fingerless mittens.
What was the inspiration for your book?
I love Cinderella-esque stories, and this one is no different. I also love English lords. Cue Damon, the desperate Viscount who must marry to keep his title and his money. Who else would he ask but the lovely Johanna, an American teacher who could care less if he’s rich and handsome?
Okay, so she likes the handsome part.
How difficult is if for you to come up with a title for your books?
Oh, that depends on the book. Sometimes, about half-way through a book, I just know. Other times, I have to debate it for days. On One Condition was actually a last minute change to the title I had originally chosen (The Marriage Plan), so it was brainstormed by my editor and Liz. But it fits the book perfectly.
Who would play your hero/heroine in the tv or film version of your book?
Hm. For some reason, I picture Julia Stiles as Johanna. I don’t know why, but she popped into my head. For Damon? Ian Somerholder. I may have named Damon after him, because I love him so.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Just keep writing. Write. Revise. Revise again. Revise until you want to burn it. Put it away. Write something else. Pull revised work back out. Revise again. And again. Read a book. Revise again. Write some more on second project. Revise. Send.
Are you a pantser or a plotter?
Pantster. All the way. I’ve written several books, from start to finish, without knowing what in the world was coming next. My characters often surprise me more than they do my readers. It’s loads of fun. Especially considering the fact that I’m such a plotter in life, normally.
Where does the magic happen? Where do you write?
I have my desk in my bedroom. I can close the door and lose myself in my own little world. I generally do most of my writing during naptime. I have four kids, so it’s usually the only time I get to myself to just sit and let the words roll on out.
Do you prefer print books or eBooks?
eBooks. I love the convenience of having all of my books in one neat, little package. I still but print occasionally, but I definitely prefer my Kindle to print.
What’s in the works for you?
I’m currently working on a historical romance. It take place in England in the early 1800’s, and involves a lot of fighting between the hero and heroine. It’s tons of fun to write, and I can’t wait to finish it and send it to my agent. I’m about seventy percent done the first draft.
I also have a YA book I’m finished writing that is with a critique partner. I can’t wait to get that one sent off, too. It’s a dark story about the epic battle of good vs. evil, one of my favorite stories to write and read.
And out with my agent are two closely-related contemporary romance novellas that take place in Vegas. Those were a lot of fun to write, too.
Can you tell how much I love writing? I sure can.
About Diane Alberts
Diane Alberts lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband, four kids, and a bird. She lives in the mountains-but wishes it were the beach. Diane believes strongly in a happily-ever-after for everyone. She especially loves tortured heroes and heroines, as can be seen in her stories. She loves interacting with readers, so feel free to email her at diane@dianealberts.com, or follow her on her various social networks. Her website address is: www.dianealberts.com.
Connect with Diane at her website | Twitter | Facebook
Diane! LOVE this interview, and I am a fellow pantser…and proud of it! I celebrate with wine too – and this book is so up my alley it’s burning up my TBR pile. I must get to it soon, as soon as I complete my deadline – lol!
Aw, thanks, Jen! Great minds think alike, right?! :D
Wow, Diane! You’re all over the map!
Glad you’re getting so into the groove. I’m with you on the finish one and go onto the next.
Great advice about leaving your work alone before you revise.
Thanks Taryn! Yup, walking away is always a good idea!
Hi Diane, great advice here for any aspiring writer. I like how you’ve managed to find your own quiet place and time to write while still bringing up four kids, I know how hard that can be sometimes. The historical romance you mentioned sounds intriguing, do you have a title in mind yet?