So, let me tell you a story, since all writers begin the best stuff with “Once Upon a Time…”
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who dreamed she’d one day be a writer. She was young, and after she wrote her first book, she assumed she’d take the world by storm and get published. Though the editors always praised her skill with the written word, the girl’s heart was broken when she was rejected numerous times.
She continued her journey, learning the craft, working day jobs, and enjoyed her life. But she never stopped writing. The characters bugged her, and she didn’t know how to do anything else. Many called it a cute hobby but advised her to “get real.” She wrote many manuscripts, falling in love with each character, and hoped her skill strengthened.
Before the girl met her prince (her future husband) she had just completed a novel she felt strongly about. It incorporated everything she longed to write. Again, the manuscript went on a long journey with close calls and numerous stops while she married Prince Charming and had two beautiful sons, completed a master’s degree, and lived her life.
Then, one day, she received “The Call.” A publisher wanted to buy her book. An editor loved her characters and everything others had rejected it for. The writer knew she had found her home and watched in awe and excitement as the book was published.
The book did so well upon release, excitement began to stir around her house. Suddenly, people were checking out her other books and took notice of the girl. It looked as if she was an overnight sensation, but really, it was many, many years of pursuing her dream and never receiving a paycheck.
A few weeks later, the girl came home from a lovely dinner and her husband informed her to call her publisher. Her publisher conferenced in her editor, and they informed her of staggering sales and top reviews.
In one month, her book had received hundreds of four and five star reviews on its way to selling just over 43,000 copies for an astonishing author royalty of $51,600.
The girl laughed and cried and rejoiced with her new family. And she was able to tell her husband she was finally going to get paid for all those burnt dinners, long hours locked in the office, and weekends spent hunched at her computer.
The book was called The Marriage Bargain, and the publisher was Entangled.
I call this story my very own fairy tale and know there are many more writers who will live it. But I know it didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t easy.
But that’ s ok.
That’s what makes it so much better.
As if Jennifer’s fairy weren’t magical enough,THE MARRIAGE BARGAIN debuted at #57 on the USA TODAY BESTSELLERS LIST this week, March 15, 2012! We couldn’t be more thrilled for Jennifer, and we’re certain this is just the first of many exciting things to come for her career. Congratulations, Jennifer!
HUGE congrats to Jennifer and Entangled – THAT is an AMAZING story :)
Wow – what a fantastic story. Mega congrats to Jennifer and Entangled!!!!
Jennifer,what a journey! I have a tear in my eye,Petal, this is just amazing. Huge congratulations! :0)
Fabulous story! Well done, Jennifer.
Wow, congrats Jennifer! You must be over the moon!
Wow, what a wonderful story… Congratulations! And here’s hoping!
Wow, I had no idea… Congratulations, sweetheart! That’s an incredible story. Here’s to many more sales, and royalty checks like that one!
Thank you SO much guys for the wonderful kudos on both the book and throughout – blogs, twitter, facebook, everthing. You are the absolute best!
HUGE congratulations, Jennifer! Such an amazing success story for you and Entangled. :)
Big congrats!!! It’s well deserved success — it’s a wonderful book.
Holy Hanna, Jennifer! That’s just AWESOME!
You know I love you Jennifer, your book is amazing, and your personal story even better. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you :)
I am so, so, SO excited for you, my dear!!!!
It just wouldn’t be as exciting without the best support group and friends like you. Honestly, you guys just amaze me with your generosity and cheerleading!
Loved reading your story, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your success.
I am so happy for you! And so proud of all your hard work and persistence! You loved this book from the start and refused to give up until it found a home. And boy did it, and you, wind up in the right place.
The downside of your success: Now your husband can afford his mid-life crisis motorcycle!
Fantastic story. Very happy for you. Congrats and may you have lots more sales!
Congratulations, Jennifer! What a wonderful story, very inspiring! :)
WOW!!!! What a fabulous fairy tale come true!!!!
Congratulations Jennifer and Entangled!!!!
And you know they made me feel the same way when they accepted my book… Entangled Rocks!!!
Lisa :)
Very sweet story, and big congrats to you on your success!
quality in writing and publishing always shines bright. Well done!!!
Congratulations, Jennifer! Such an inspiring story and shows everyone out there what determination can do. Also shows once again just how fabulous Entangled is. :)
I love a story with a happy ending…and that’s what you gave us! Thanks for sharing your journey. I think it put a smile on a lot of faces today. Congratulations on your success. I know it’s just the beginning!
So so excited and happy for you, Jennifer!’
Great story & gives me hope that it could happen for me, too! So happy for you and wish you continued success.
Congratulations Jennifer. This happily ever after couldn’t happen to a better woman! Much deserved.
xo Maggie
What a lovely story. I’m glad you’re having your happy “ending,” although it’s really the beginning, or maybe the middle since you’ve struggled for so long. I know the joy and excitement of experiencing a long rejected book take off, make LOTS of sales, and thus lots of money!
Best of luck with your writing career!
Wonderful story! I so get that long road to publication and life gong on around you! I wish you every success. Keep us posted, please.
That’s incredible and fantastic. Congrats, and MUCH more!
Oh my. That is inspirational and one hundred per cent deserved. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing the details of your journey.
Oh, wow!! Jennifer and Entangled – thank you SO much for sharing such an inspiring story. I think Entangled produce nothing but quality and one day soon I hope to join your family.
Everyone involved with Entangled deserve all the praise and kudos they’re getting :)
I’m beyond stoked for Jennifer and all the hard-working folk at Entangled.
You absolutely ROCK!!!
Huge congrats again :)
Loved reading this! Congratulations to Jennifer and Entangled.
Wonderful story! Congratulations on your success!
Jennifer, I love to hear success stories like yours! Congratulations and keep up the wonderful work!
Way to go Jennifer. Here’s hoping many more Entangled authors will follow in her shoes!
A Cinderella story within a Cinderella story! Congratulations, Jennifer.
Huge congrats
I LOVE fairy tales, especially ones with a happy ending! Huge congrats to Jennifer and Entangled!
Oh, how I LOVE these success stories!!! Thank you, thank you for sharing yours, Jennifer. I’m actually a lil sniffly. Can’t wait to download your book on my eReader! Just awesome! I’m so glad I heard about you through my RWA chapter’s loop!
Congratulations, Jennifer! You’re living the dream many of us hope to follow.
Thank you for sharing this great success story! Congrats to Jennifer and Entangled! Very inspiring to see that hard work really does pay off eventually.
Fantastic, Jennifer! You worked hard for that overnight success! Congratulations to you and Entangled!
Good grief, that is an exciting story. Congratulations!
Woo hoo! Congratulations to Jennifer and Entangled! I love hearing that you both are finding success. :)
Once again, I’m so knocked out by your wonderful comments and support! Thank you SO much!!! And here’s to everyone experiencing a cinderella story – you all deserve it!
“HUGE” Congratulations, Jennifer!
Wow, Jennifer!!!
Congrats to you on your wonderful success story!
I love the success! Congratulations Jen! You deserve a big round of applause…Thank you for the story you have shared here…
Wonderful to hear of your “overnight” success, Jennifer. Best wishes for continuing success.
What a wonderful “Once Upon a Time” story. I bought Marriage Bargain the other day and LOVED IT. I only wished it was longer because I loved Alexa and Nick. I’m hoping that Maggie and the Count will get their own story as well.
Major congrats to Jennifer for not giving up and seeing her dream through to the end, and for Entangled for believing in her work! Continued blessings!