Major Cover Love for Lisa Burstein’s Pretty Amy!
Self esteem, self actualization, and consequences reign in Lisa Burstein’s YA debut, Pretty Amy. It’s an hilarious, poignant, and timely young adult novel releasing in May with Entangled Teen!
About Pretty Amy
Almost all proms go awry. The whole experience is a road map of disappointment. Must girls wax their eyebrows and lose their virginity for the same ridiculous reason –PROM?
Everyone who has ever attended prom–or even been to high school–knows that prom is a four-letter word. Proms change lives. And being cool, even by association, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Lisa Burstein’s contemporary novel, Pretty Amy, releasing in May with Entangled Teen, will have girls everywhere thinking about the meaning of friendship, the choices they make, and consequences of their actions.
Amy is fine living in the shadows of beautiful Lila and uber-cool Cassie, because at least she’s somewhat beautiful and uber-cool by association. But when their dates stand them up for prom, the girls take matters into their own hands—earning them a night in jail outfitted in satin, stilettos, and Spanx—Amy discovers even a prom spent in handcuffs might be better than the humiliating “rehabilitation techniques” now filling up her summer. Worse, with Lila and Cassie parentally banned, Amy feels like she has nothing—like she is nothing.
Navigating unlikely alliances with her new coworker, two very different boys, and possibly even her parents, Amy struggles to decide if it’s worth being a best friend when it makes you a public enemy. Bringing readers along on an often hilarious and heartwarming journey, Amy finds that maybe getting a life only happens once you think your life is over.
About Lisa Burstein:
Lisa Burstein is a tea seller by day and a writer by night. She wrote her first story when she was in second grade. It was a Thanksgiving tale from the point of view of the turkey from freezer to oven to plate. It was scandalous.She was a lot like Amy when she was in high school. She is still a lot like Amy.
To earn Lisa’s undying affection, please visit, http://www.lisaburstein.com, for a sneak peek into Amy’s head visit http://lisabursteinauthor.wordpress.com/category/teasers/, and for more on Entangled Publishing, please visit, www.entangledpublishing.com.
Praise for Lisa Burstein’s “Pretty Amy”:
“I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at this before it comes out. I loved every minute of PRETTY AMY. Amy’s so relatable and likeable and has this awesome snarky personality that made laugh. Out loud. That’s right, I totally LOLd. I highlighted a ton of great lines. The pace was great. It was real and raw yet funny. This is contemporary YA at its best, and I highly recommend everyone read it the second it comes out in May.” – Cindi Madsen, author of ALL THE BROKEN PIECES
“SN…arky and funny but heartbreakingly sad and real. Am going to give this book to every girl (young woman) I know. Should probably give it to mothers of young women too!” – Literary agent, Susan Fineman
Pre-Order this title:
Barnes&Noble, coming soon!
Beautiful cover, and very intriguing storyline!
Very pretty cover! Looking forward to the release.
I absolutely LOVE this cover!!!
We loved Pretty Amy at Spunkybean. I hope you enjoy our book review as much as we enjoyed reading it.