Ah, Valentine’s. A time to show your loved one how much you truly care.
A time to spend your hard-earned money on a holiday promoted by consumerist fat-cats.
A time to rekindle your romance, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
A time to remind singles that they’re alone. No problem being alone? Valentine’s will fix that.
A time to find new love, or ignite a fresh spark with that sexy someone you’ve been eyeing all along.
Yeah, right. No one can live up to those expectations. You’re better off ignoring it.
Whether you love Valentine’s or hate it, you can’t avoid it—and it’s looming on the horizon, filling the air with the scent of love. Or that could be the chocolate on everyone’s breath. Is Valentine’s about love, capitalism, or something else?
Tell us your take on it. Entangled Publishing seeks submissions for our February 2012 Valentine’s and Anti-Valentine’s collections. Got a story about lost loves reunited on Valentine’s? Is your hero or heroine a cynic who refuses to even acknowledge the day? We want your stories, as long as—Valentine’s or Anti-Valentine’s—there’s a Happily Ever After. Submissions must:
- Be 20,000 to 40,000 words in length.
- Contain strong romantic elements.
- Revolve around Valentine’s Day.
All heat levels will be accepted, but erotic elements must not be the main focus of the story.
Previously published material will not be considered, nor will manuscripts that have already been rejected by Entangled at an earlier date.
Manuscripts that have been chosen for the anthology will be released as ebooks in February of 2012, with the possibility of a print compilation at a later date.
To submit a manuscript for consideration, please send the full manuscript (RTF format) and a one-page query letter briefly describing the premise, heat level, and word count to everafter-submissions(at)entangledpublishing(dot)com. Query letters should be addressed to Adrien-Luc Sanders. Please include “Valentine’s Collection” or “Anti-Valentine’s Collection” and your title in the subject line.
Submissions are open until January 1st, 2012 and final decisions will be made by January 10th. Standard Entangled Publishing royalty rates apply. Standard Entangled Publishing royalty rates apply.
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