Wish List: December 2011 Edition

November rocked! We welcomed several new editors, finalized the super hero anthology, and signed quite a few stories submitted via our specific calls from submission. With 2012 only a month away, we’re actively acquiring for late-2012 and 2013. Check out what our senior editors are looking for this month…

As always, please do not query more than one editor within a specific a line (Entangled, Indulgence, Flirts, or Ever Afters) with your project at a time.


Liz (Entangled & Indulgence) wants to see:

  • Category romance – I’d love to see a “love to hate,” or an ugly duckling story
  • Dan Brown style thrillers with strong romantic elements
  • Straight up paranormal romance with any creatures except vampires or demons
  • Sci-fi a la Michael Crichton with strong romantic elements
  • Contemporary romantic comedies
  • YA set in high school

Submissions for Liz and her editors can be sent directly to liz (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our submission guidelines and the Indulgence submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Heather (Entangled) wants to see:

  • Edgy contemporary YA romance
  • Intense YA thrillers that’ll keep me reading late into the night
  • Post-apocalyptic or dystopian YA with a scientific bent (no paranormal creatures, please)
  • Gritty military/Special Ops romance similar to Lora Leigh’s Navy SEALs series
  • Single-title contemporary, Ever Afters, and Flirts featuring best-friends-to-lovers, brothers in love with the same woman, co-ed roommates, heroes-in-uniform, and unexpected circumstances that force people together.

Submissions for Heather can be sent directly to heather (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Erin (Entangled) wants to see:

  • Contemporary survivalist romance. Especially about people who have been brought together or torn apart by disasters—be it tornadoes, floods, mudslides, hurricanes, or earthquakes. Think opposite personalities somehow pulling it together to survive.
  • From this world to another—love on Mars between a human and a Martian . . . new worlds exist in outer space—or undersea—way in the future.
  • Fairies infiltrating NYC, Tokyo, London—bent on finding their lost Queen . . .
  • Historical fiction—kingdom’s won and lost and battles fought all because of a love lost, or betrayed, or unrequited.
  • Only months to live and the love that gets left behind—sad endings are OK, even if the one left behind finds love again . . .

Submissions for Erin can be sent directly to erin (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Lori (Indulgence) wants to see:

  • Cowboys – Ranch owners, not ranch hands
  • Fun, flirty books
  • Endearingly ditzy heroines who can go toe-to-toe with strong alpha men (think I Love Lucy with a modern twist)

Submissions for Lori can be sent directly to lori (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Indulgence submission guidelines for specific instructions!


Alethea (Indulgence) wants to see:

  • millionaire playboys
  • best friends to lovers
  • nanny to wife (think modern day Sound of Music, Maria and the Captain)
  • and temporary/accidental fiancée

Submissions for Alethea can be sent directly to alethea (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Indulgence submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Adrien-Luc (Flirts & Ever Afters) wants to see:

  • Contemporary or sci-fi girl-geek stories. I’d love to see a story of a quirky, cute, fun girl geek, whether she’s a starcraft design engineer, a programmer, a gamer, a prodigious inventor, or any other class of geek. She needs her own story beyond her geekiness; something original and fresh, moving past the typical story of girls proving themselves against the boys. Give her a world to prove herself against instead, and an adventure that makes me love her, her geekiness, and her brilliant charm.
  • Antiheroes. I adore antiheroes in any genre, adult or YA; show me the world through the point of view of someone who’s given up on it. Show me the reality of the antihero’s convoluted psyche, the difficult decisions they face, their struggles with their own emotions in the choices they make and the situations they deal with as they develop as fully-fledged characters. Let me see the broken pieces at the heart of the badass, and how he or she struggles to stitch those pieces back together while dealing with the story’s conflict and their own tangled relationship with their love interest.
  • Post-apocalyptic and dystopian. Broken societies and devastated worlds, whether near-future, far-future, or even alternate history, fascinate me–especially stories that show our familiar world torn apart, and what’s been pieced back together from the remnants. Subtle undercurrents of the far-reaching effects of current sociopolitical issues are a bonus, though I’m not interested in heavy-handed political diatribes. I’d rather see the real effects these things have on the everyday lives of the people in the story, as part of the larger framework of the world.
  • LGBT and PoC. I’m especially interested in stories that portray LGBT people and people of color as mainstream characters, where their ethnicity, sexual identity, or gender identity are just another rich nuance of their character and not the central aspect of the story. Anything from a sweet contemporary to a dark urban fantasy; the genre matters less than strong writing that truly reflects the diversity of the real world in your fictional world, without falling back on stereotypes.

Submission for Adrien can be sent directly to adrien-luc (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Flirt and Ever After submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Things we aren’t likely to request:

  • urban fantasy (no HEA in each book, usually follows the same heroine/hero through series)
  • women’s fiction (unless it leans heavily toward contemporary romance, like THE WHAT IF GUY)
  • chick lit (again, unless it leans heavily toward contemporary romance, like BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD)

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2 Replies on Wish List: December 2011 Edition

    • Wondering if this has anything to do with a certain blogger being a sci-fi gamer girl geek herself? Hmmm…could be…. :D

      (Wasn’t stalking you, just looking at what Entangled is looking for. lol)

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