Hidden Clip: An Interview with Calisto Terana from Night Walker

Today we’re introducing a new and exciting feature to our blog…we’re calling them HIDDEN CLIPS.  These are short scenes which are:

  1. never before seen scenes
  2. exclusive interviews with folks from your favorite EP books
  3. written as a prequel to a particular scene, and/or
  4. just too juicy and fun not to share
Our first HIDDEN CLIP is an interview with Calisto Terana, from Lisa Kessler’s Night Walker.  Enjoy!
It’s late at night here, so I was able to corral the Night Walker himself, Calisto Terana, for a quick interview.

Q: Hi Calisto. Thanks for being here tonight.


A: You are most welcome.   I owe you everything.


Q: *fanning myself*  Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got an amazing Spanish accent? *watching a smile pull at the corner of his sexy mouth… ahem* I’ll take that as a yes…  Moving on, can you tell the people here who haven’t read your book yet, how you felt the moment you saw Kate again for the first time in over 200 years?


A: Each year on the evening of Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, I brought fresh cut Romenya flowers to the Mission de Alcala in memory of my beloved Tala. I gave up my soul to the night shortly after her murder, and for over two centuries, I waited for her soul to be reborn.

I must confess that I had given up hope of ever seeing her smile again.  *pausing he shakes his head*


Q: But this time it was different?


A: *nodding* Si.  After leaving the flowers at the base of the adobe cross in the courtyard, I noticed a woman slip out the sanctuary door before the Mass ended. She had her arms wrapped around her waist, and sighed as she stared up at the moon.


For a few minutes I stood frozen in the shadows, unable to breathe.  The profile of her face looked… familiar.  I watched her wander further into the courtyard, closer to me, and wrestled to keep hope at bay.  My heart pounded, begging me to speak to her, to see if she finally lived again.  


 I started to walk away; sure I would be disappointed again.


But there was something about this woman.


When she knelt to touch the Romneya flowers I left at the cross, my pulse raced.  The centuries I endured without her evaporated in an instant.  I needed a closer look.  Clutching my hands into fists, I steeled my heart for disappointment.   I approached her and cleared my throat in an attempt to keep from startling her.


When she sprang to her feet and turned to face me, her cheeks flushed with color, but it was her eyes that caused my heart to stop.  In the lower corner of her right iris, I noticed the lighter crescent of color.  She had the moon in her eyes.  


I fought to keep my hands from trembling, and slowly took in the rest of her face.  Her features were familiar, but not exactly as she had once been.  Her skin was lighter and the angle of her jaw softer, but her long black hair and her eyes were unchanged.


Tala lived again. I finally found her.


Q: *dreamy sigh* Did she remember you too?


A: No.  I made a pact that night not to use my powers to read her thoughts, or mesmerize her in any way.  Since fate had finally offered me a second chance to love her, I wanted to fall in love with her all over again.  I wanted to love the woman she was today and not the memory of who she had once been.


Q: And did it work? *feeling my pulse race the moment he starts to smile*


A: Ah but I cannot tell you that.  The readers need to discover the ending of the story for themselves, no?


Q: *rolling my eyes because I can feel myself blushing*  Okay, you’re probably right.  Thanks for joining me on the blog, Calisto.


A: The pleasure is mine, Lisa Kessler.


Q: *trying not to giggle as he takes my hand and presses a quick kiss to my knuckles*  See you later!  *watching him walk out of the blog*


Shew!  Maybe I’ll start interviewing him more often!  That accent gets me every time…  Anyway, I hope Calisto intrigued you enough to pick up a copy of Night Walker!  It’s available in eBook and Trade Paperback just about everywhere.

So do you believe in love at first sight?  Could it be that you’ve met before in a past life?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!  Thanks so much for commenting!




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