Explore the New Entangled In Romance Blog!

We’re settling into our new blog home and we have lots of great things in store for you.  You can meet all the people hard at work behind the amazing Entangled books, of course, but there’s so much more.

  • Our authors are participating in Six Sentence Sunday, so look for six sentences from their works in progress.  You never know what you’ll get to read, and a whole lot can be said in six sentences!
  • Our chatty authors are also sharing recipes and other tips that make their lives easier.
  • Author and character interviews.  Get close with the writers, heroes, and heroines you love!
  • We will have round-ups of our different genres, upcoming releases, and what’s hot in Entangled acquisitions.
  • Cover Love!  We celebrate every new cover, and sometimes we tease you with Cover Puzzles.
  • Our editors will be sharing what’s in their slushbox, their wishlists, and will just chat it up occasionally.
  • You’ll hear about our recent sales, foreign rights deals, and film rights deals.  We love to share all the great things happening behind the scenes!
  • We have a new YA corner with uber YA bloggers Stacey O’Neale and Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews.  They’ll be alternating weeks with their YA column.
  • Hidden Clips: Ever want to get a glimpse of deleted scenes or never before read scenes from your favorite books?  We’ll have these little tidbits for you every once in a while.
There’s so much more, but that gives you a taste of what’s to come on Entangled In Romance.  We hope you will poke around the site.   As always, we love your feedback.  


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